Saturday, May 21, 2011

Growing Up - Caterpillar to Butterfly

Note: Kindly wait for a minute for the pictures to start moving (Broadband)

Whatever we do today, it's shadow is going to linger forever.

It's a hard thing - growing up. Life is like a sugar-coated bitter guard.  Be it our caterpillar years or the butterfly ones, there's a struggle. In school, class tests were as important as university exams in college. Little did we know that it will never matter as we grow older. But our less important decisions - like learning to paint, dance or piano (SUPW) will become our reasons to happiness. I haven't painted in a while but it has helped me in more ways than I can think of.

Butterflies in Hauz Khas Village

There are three stages in a butterfly's life cycle. Caterpillar - Cocoon - Butterfly. If we compare it with human life, I believe I am in the cocoon stage. College is the cocoon that prepares us for the rest of our life. Now that I am leaving the cocoon and ready to fly away, I am more excited than nostalgic. But like these pictures, whatever decision we take now is going to linger around us like a shadow for the rest of our lives. 

Of butterflies and shadows

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

7 UP and Coke

Medha and Benjamin in Cafe

Gosh! They won't stop eating even in pictures...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Holi hai!

Mud, Colors, Mud pit, Friends, Bhang, Nostalgia and truckloads of fun. That's how holi was this year.
St. Stephen's College, like everything else, has a 'tradition' of playing holi with mud instead of colors. There are other pleasant 'traditions' which were too risky to indulge in. Staying away from them was more of a necessity than necessary mainly because I had a long drive home.

Though I took just 5 pictures, it would be unfair to share them. This is a different version of Holi played in on heck of a way.

Mud pit and the fun of swinging people into it

Manali and Rakesh bhaiyya

Rakesh bhaiyya

Rakesh bhaiyya fishing out Anjishnu

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Body Ache

Harmony '11 was great. It was full of energy. All three days, we had high-voltage music playing and with it - high voltage dancing. Result? PAIN and I swear, a lot of it.

Every part of our body hurts! I think a million times before lifting my left leg. And it's not just me! We had an extended discussion on where and how it hurts.

So, here is how it started - Advaita, an amazing fusion band.

Advaita performing in College Rugby Ground (the first time we saw the ground in 2 years!)

Aman Singh Rathore

Suhail Yusuf Khan, Sarangi

Ujwal Nagar, Hindustani Vocals; Mohit Lal, Tabla; Gaurav Chintamani, Bass Guitar

How awesome was he?

A whole lot of them making magical fusion

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sorry For Love

Newton's First law is perhaps the most important Law. And I have been feeling inertia a lot lately.

My first encounter with it was when I changed school in 10th. Then transition from 12th to college. Now, it's again a time for change. I have never taken these changes very well. I am not doing a great job even now, falling every time I try to balance myself.

I wish I could be a tree. No matter how fast the wind blows, they don't seem to take a note of it unless a typhoon comes and blows it away right from its roots and kills it.

Connaught Place


St. Stephen's College

Hudson Lane

Friday, February 18, 2011


My sister was in Delhi this week. So many old memories re-visited and new ones formed. 

Shortly after she arrived and checked into the Bed and Breakfast

The Bed and Breakfast

Finally at home

Bhai Dooj 1995/96

Sunday, January 30, 2011

In search of Myself

It's an odd feeling you know - When you can't see yourself in the mirror but you see your friends instead. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy 2011

2010 was an amazing year. From numerous trips to great friends, 2010 had it all. Here are a few pictures from my exploits in 2010.

Wishing you a great year ahead

Paris, May

Pushkar, November

Lansdowne, December

Lansdowne, December

Agra, July

Lansdowne, December